Website cookies are small pieces of data sent from our web server to our visitors' web browser. We use cookies to allow our visitors to navigate our website and to make the use of our website more convenient.

For example, cookies are used to allow visitors to navigate from one web page on our site to another and to return to the web page that they accessed previously. Cookies may be used to retain your personal preferences, hold session information for a “shopping cart” or save your password so it doesn’t have to be re-entered each time you log in.

Advice on Limiting Cookies: You always have a choice with respect to cookies. By modifying your browser preferences, you can accept all cookies, be notified when a cookie is set or reject all cookies. If you choose to reject all cookies, you may be unable to use certain services of The Ice Champ. Please consult your browser instructions for information on how to modify your choices about cookies. We do not use cookies to record a visitor's session information or to collect personally identifiable information about our visitors.


• To ensure the website operates effectively from a technical perspective, including online transactions.

• Assist with The Ice Champ marketing, including banner advertising.

• To enable The Ice Champ to collect certain, anonymous and non-personal information on the shopping habits of our clients, including pages viewed.

To track transactions where visitors have come from third party sites, usually through our affiliate network.

By using this site you consent to cookies being used.